Jack Holzman

Jack Holzman Headshot

For WIsconsin assembly District 59

Hi! I’m Jack Holzman, and I am running in the newly formed Assembly District 59 because my core values are being challenged by the far right and the Republican party. I support women’s right to reproductive freedom, a right to quality education which includes adequate funding for our public schools, affordable healthcare for all, and to act as a steward preserving our state’s natural resources including clean air and water.

Meet Jack

I am a retired teacher of 36 years from the Oak Creek-Franklin School District. My education includes both a Bachelor’s of Science and Master of Education degree. My wife Diane and I are empty nesters with a bonus of six grandchildren. I am a lifelong outdoorsman, an avid musky fisherman, and a super supporter of our state teams, the Packers, Brewers (former usher), and the Milwaukee Bucks. In the summer, you might catch me at a car show with the Wisconsin Thunderbird club.

Why Back Jack?


I support reducing taxes on working families by having corporations pay their fair share. I support tax cuts for families making less than $400,000 while I oppose extending tax cuts or restoring tax breaks for those making more than $400,000.  I support increasing the tax rate on highly profitable business to support public services, infrastructure and education for more Wisconsinites.


Our Wisconsin elections are intended to reflect the interest of the American people, not only the wealthiest few and the biggest corporations.  I will fight to restore and protect Americans’ fundamental right to vote by pushing back at the Republican legislatures and state officials who have disenfranchised people of color, young people, people of low income and people with disabilities.  Every citizen’s vote must be protected.  We must strengthen the Voting Rights Act and make it easier for Americans to vote, not harder.  We do not need fake electors.


I support that women and families can make their own personal healthcare decisions without government interference.  These decisions are between the person and their doctor.  All citizens deserve access to affordable and comprehensive health care, as well as the dignity, autonomy and economic security to make the health care decisions that are best for them.  Thanks to the Affordable Health Care act, more women and families have insurance coverage to get the care they need.


I support investing in community colleges, vocational training and public schools to create good jobs.  As a retired educator, I know every child, no matter who they are, how much a family earns, or where they live, should have access to high quality education.  From preschool through high school and beyond quality education is the key to success.  I support adequate funding to public schools. Private schools should not get tax dollars meant for public schools. Education is one of the most pressing issues and we cannot allow our country to fall behind in a global economy. 


I will fight to protect Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and BadgerCare Plus. I am opposed to any cuts in these programs.  I am against hiking eligibility ages, reducing benefits for seniors, and lowering cost of living adjustment.


I will protect the ability to speak without fear of intimidation.  The First Amendment protects the freedom of speech, religion and press.  It also protects the freedom to peacefully assemble or gather together for social, economic, political or religious purposes, as well as the right to protest the Government.  In today’s political arena there are those who use the First Amendment to harass, make threats, and intimidate.  This is not what our founders intended.  I will not support those engaged in this type of freedom of expression.


I believe in clean water, clean air, good roads, affordable health care, and quality schools.   Our state Republican lawmakers have blocked the release of earmarked funding to address the needs of thousands of people across Wisconsin who currently are without access to safe drinking water due to PFAS in our water.   Clean water is a basic right, I will fight to ensure communities in our state have safe drinking water.

The New Assembly District 59

New fair maps means an all new Assembly District 59! If you live in northern Ozaukee, Washington, and Dodge or southern Fond du Lac and Sheboygan Counties, you may call this Assembly District home.